Greater Allegheny Athletic Department Visits H.J. Heinz Campus - VA Healthcare System

Greater Allegheny Athletic Department Visits H.J. Heinz Campus - VA Healthcare System

Pittsburgh, Pa. - The Penn State Greater Allegheny Athletic Department, coaches and student-athletes traveled to the H.J. Heinz Campus of the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System in Aspinwall, Thursday, to share Valentine's Day cheer with the veterans.

Over 25 representatives of the Penn State Greater Allegheny Athletic Department traveled to the VA to spread Valentine's Day cards to each of the veterans. The cards were carefully crafted by local elementary students.

This past week was the National Salute to Veteran Patients Week at all Veteran Hospitals throughout the United States.

On the day of the 12th, there was a Parade of Heroes and Opening Ceremonies before the National Salute, where our student-athletes were assigned as tour guides to visit with the Veterans on the units while the parties go on. 

The Penn State Greater Allegheny Athletic Department wanted to thank the H.J. Heinz Campus, the staff and most importantly, the veterans, for allowing us to come out and share holiday cheer. Volunteering and being involved in our community means a lot to each student-athlete and it was a great experience to share with the veterans.